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What Is Hemorrhoids? How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids?

One of the diseases that affect the quality of life is hemorrhoid. Hemorrhoids is a disease that occurs in the anal region. It is more commonly referred to as hemorrhoids among the people.

What is Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoid disease is structurally similar to varicose veins. Due to the pressure exerted on the legs from varicose veins, the vessels in the legs are structurally enlarged and varices are formed. In hemorrhoids, pressure on the breech region causes the vessels in the anal canal to expand and hang out of the anus. These dangling structures are called hemorrhoid piles. The formation of these breasts is divided into two groups as internal and external hemorrhoids.

Types of Hemorrhoids

External Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids develop around the anus. It is a rare species. Internal hemorrhoids are more common. They usually do not cause complaints. However, since a swelling on the side of the anus is aesthetically disturbing, patients want to be treated. They can also be visually disturbing.

Internal Hemorrhoids

It develops within the anus. It occurs in the form of swelling of the vessels in the anus. In the first stages, the piles go out of the rectum while they are in the rectum. Removal of the pouches outside the anus may cause severe pain in the patient. The reason for this is that the breech muscles of the hemorrhoid piles, which are sensitive, are compressed. Hemorrhoids with such jams are grouped as thrombosed. And it is the species that most affects the quality of life of the patient.

Internal Hemorrhoids Stages

The grading is based on the reaction of hemorrhoids piles.

1st degree: This degree is the initial stage of the disease. Hemorrhoid piles begin to form in the anal canal. It is not possible for the patient to recognize the situation at this stage. However, some patients complain of painless bleeding. The patient can only detect a first-degree hemorrhoid by anoscope examination if the patient presents to the doctor with bleeding complaints.

2nd degree: In this stage hemorrhoid piles are prolapse and retract on their own automatically. Painful bleeding and itching can also be seen at this stage.

3rd Degree: At this stage, the piles that comes out of the rectum during defecation cannot spontaneously return to the rectum. Intervention is required to return to the rectum. Therefore, the patient must be pushed back in by a finger. At this stage, pain may occur due to sagging of the no hemorrhoids.

Level 4: The last and most advanced stage of the disease. Hemorrhoids that go out of the breech at this stage are constantly out of the breech. And it is compressed by the breech muscles. This may cause pain to affect the patient’s quality of life.

What Are The Causes of Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids is a disease that affects millions of people around the world. The incidence of hemorrhoids in the United States is estimated to be 10 million per year, corresponding to 4.4% of the population. Therefore, it is important to know the conditions that cause hemorrhoids for disease prevention.
The conditions that prepare the ground for hemorrhoids are those that apply pressure to the breech region. Constipation is one of them. In addition, pregnancy, overweight, continuous heavy lifting, causes such as old age.


Constipation is the main cause of many anus diseases including hemorrhoids. Constipation means forced defecation. It means over-straining. Excessive straining may result in increased pressure and pressure applied to the breech region, leading to dilation of the vessels of the anal region. Hemorrhoids may be inevitable, especially with patients suffering from chronic constipation.


During pregnancy, the amount of blood in the mother’s body increases. So it can be said that the amount of blood circulating in the vessels is more. In this case, the pressure applied to the vessels increases. In addition, as the baby begins to grow, the pressure on the inner abdomen increases. In these cases, it increases the risk of hemorrhoids in pregnant women.

Weight lifting

It causes increased blood pressure in lifting weight and indirectly increasing the pressure applied to the breech region. The increase in the pressure in the region causes the preparation of the ground suitable for the hemorrhoid problem.

Being Overweight

Being overweight, just like lifting a weight, increases the pressure applied to the anal area and causes hemorrhoids. Studies have found that the risk of hemorrhoids is 3 times higher in individuals who are overweight, that is, high body mass index compared to normal individuals.


Slower bowel movements are seen with age progression. Consequently, constipation problems are frequently experienced. Frequent constipation is the main reason for hemorrhoid disease. In addition, with age, tissue and muscle weakening is seen. This increases the risk. Studies have found that the disease occurs between 45 and 60 years of age and no hemorrhoids are seen before 20 years of age.

Ways to Prevent Hemorrhoids

In order to prevent hemorrhoids, feeding habits should be reviewed first. This can prevent constipation. Thus, hemorrhoid disease is also protected.
In order to avoid constipation, products made from bran or whole wheat flour should be preferred instead of products made from white flour. In addition, the consumption of foods with high fiber content such as fruits and vegetables should be increased. This makes defecation easier. In addition, delaying the toilet need causes the stool to harden by waiting and consequently causes difficult defecation. Therefore, the need for defecation should not be postponed.
It is also necessary to avoid this kind of food because it triggers the formation of hemorrhoids in extremely spicy and bitter foods.
In addition to feeding habits, increasing the amount of movement in daily life will be beneficial for taking precautions. Increasing the amount of movement affects bowel movements positively and keeps the weight under control. This minimizes the risk of constipation and overweight.

How to treat hemorrhoids?

Three techniques are used for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Which technique or techniques to use is determined by the type and degree of hemorrhoids. Current techniques; laser, RBL (rubber strangulation) and THD (arterial closure) applications.

Laser Treatment

Thanks to the laser device, without any incision, 1st and 2nd-grade hemorrhoids can be treated with radiation. Nozzles formed by the laser device are destroyed and destroyed. Treatment can be completed in as little as 10 minutes. The patient may return to work/life on the same day.

RBL (Rubber Band Ligations)

In cases where laser treatment is inadequate, the RBL (rubber strangling) technique is applied. In the technique of strangulation, a device is placed on the head of the piles by means of a device. This prevents the feeding of the piles. The nourishable nipple shrinks over time.

THD (Connecting the arteries)

It is applied in every stage of the disease. Laser and RBL methods are inadequate for hemorrhoids in the last stage. THD technique is applied in such cases. THD surgery is performed with local anesthesia. In this technique, the device is entered through the anus and the artery feeding the hemorrhoids is connected. In this way, just like the tire strangling technique, the piles disappears over time.

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